The CS 124 course calendar is packed with activities and opportunities to get help.
Whenever you need support or have a question, it’s likely that someone’s available soon.
Note that all times posted are Central Time. We suggest that you add our course calendar to your calendaring program.
The CS 124 tutoring site allows tutors to work with you individually. This is the way to get help with code and anything else that you can’t share on the forum or in office hours with a group. Hours for the tutoring site are displayed below.
Tutoring site hours are shown for your primary language, or for both if you haven’t yet selected a primary language!
We also offer in-person tutoring in the tutoring center located in the basement of the Siebel Center for Computer Science.
CS 124 tutors are excited to invite you to a variety of activities on and around campus. Check the calendar below for more details!
I’ll be stopping by regularly during Tuesday discussion times: 11AM–4PM on Tuesdays in CIF 4029. If you’d like to ensure that I’ll be around or schedule a specific time to chat, shoot me an email.